EDUCATION FIRST: We're taking extra measures to ensure students are prepared for their future. More details
Be up to date with the what you need to know before, during, and after becoming a Dual Enrollment student. Each article provides key information for your educational success.
High school students are having a hard time squeezing taxpayer-funded
college courses into class schedules turned upside down by the coronavirus.
Consequently, dual-credit enrollment has suffered. Read More >
Prioritizing Equity
Dual enrollment programs are popular among both students and policymakers. The National Student Clearinghouse recently reported that the number of students in dual
enrollment courses has grown at an unprecedented rate over the previous year. Meanwhile, in 2019, 23 states passed new laws designed to expand access to dual enrollment
opportunities for students. Read More>
As such, a strong argument for withdrawing is that if you withdraw from a course and get an A on the second attempt, you will then have an A for that course. It can also be argued that a withdraw is better than a ‘D’ or ‘F’ grade. When in doubt... Read More>
Rethinking Dual Enrollment
There may be ways to provide dual enrollment and other experiences that put students on the road to college, without running afoul of state and local eligibility requirements. This may include ensuring access to options
with lower eligibility expectations or requesting exemptions from current requirements in order to try out alternative eligibility criteria.
Taking the pandemic and looking at it through a different lens and focusing on
trying harder and doing more.
Whereas there have been occasions for younger teens to take enough credits
to graduate high school early, Jones says the majority of high school students who enroll in college classes are juniors and seniors.